Meet the outmatched agents living through a post-deadline ordeal
Most real estate professionals say little has changed since new commission rules went into effect in August. But for a smaller group, the changes have unleashed a completely different experience
by Daniel Houston Sep 30
Fall market preview: Rate cuts have finally arrived — is the recovery on?
It will take more than recent rate cuts for a recovery in home sales to gain traction, a new analysis of market data and economic forecasts suggests. Intel explores what's at stake for the fall market
by Daniel Houston Sep 23
Just letting off steam? Agents lash out at NAR in post-deadline survey
In the wake of the Aug. 17 deadline, a rising share of agents told the Inman Intel Index they were frustrated with industry trade groups and have considered leaving real estate. Will it all blow over?
by Daniel Houston Sep 16
Agents say business as usual since Aug. 17 — but signs of strain ahead
While most reported normal activity in the weeks after the commission rules took effect, some saw an uptick in listing clients refusing to pay buyers' fees, new Inman Intel Index results show
by Daniel Houston Sep 9
Real estate agents lament dud of a summer: Client Pipeline Tracker
Buyers failed to bite this summer despite falling mortgage rates. It has agents as down as they've been all year heading into the NAR settlement era, according to Intel's Client Pipeline Tracker
by Daniel Houston Sep 2
Which companies saw 'rich and famous' cash flow in H1 2024?
Portals remain some of the most profitable businesses in real estate, while brokerage company profitability is more business model-dependent
by Mike DelPrete Aug 27
Where listings are bouncing back — and where they're not: Intel
Agents are having very different experiences in the Midwest compared to the coastal South. Intel breaks down 2 years of data to get to the bottom of this split market
by Daniel Houston Aug 26
Pandemic redux? Buyers, sellers disagree on the 'golden rate': Intel
How low do rates need to go to reinvigorate the housing market? Buyer and seller responses vary in the latest Inman-Dig Insights consumer survey, suggesting its contours are still being shaped
by Daniel Houston Aug 19
From fringe to forefront? What agent ‘steering’ will look like now
A survey of hundreds of real estate agents suggests that 'steering' based on commissions used to be rare. After the Aug. 17 deadline, it may become ubiquitous — but with buyers in the driver's seat
by Daniel Houston Aug 12
Agent churn at 10% in past year as industry sees 144K moves
By its definition, real estate is a high-churn business, according to Mike DelPrete, which offers the potential for massive shifts in brokerage revenue year-to-year
by Mike DelPrete Aug 5
What's changed since NAR struck its deal: Client Pipeline Tracker
Declining mortgage rates may finally be bringing some buyers back to the table. But agents will need to see more before they change their skeptical outlook, Inman Intel Index results suggest
by Daniel Houston Aug 5
Forced to move? Not quite. The real reasons buyers are shopping now
A surprising share of homebuyers are seeking to 'move up' in home. And the next wave of clients may have different priorities in mind, according to the Inman-Dig Insights consumer survey
by Daniel Houston Jul 29
Homebuyers dig the NAR deal until they learn the details: Intel survey
Even if the settlement brings down commissions overall, buyers grow warier the more they learn about what the policy means for them, according to the latest Inman-Dig Insights consumer poll
by Daniel Houston Jul 22
Housing inventory is climbing back. So why are leads still lagging?
Inventory is rising again, but agents are still scrounging for new listings. Hundreds of brokers and agents shared what's working in still-tight markets in new responses from the Intel Index survey
by Jim Dalrymple II Jul 15
Zoom in closer: 4 regional housing insights from the Inman Intel Index
Times are tough for nearly every real estate business. But different parts of the country report unique challenges and approaches, as illustrated by Intel’s monthly gauge of industry sentiment
by Daniel Houston Jul 8
Consistent cash flow still matters most: DelPrete
Those businesses generating free cash flow are best-positioned for growth, shareholder returns and value-added new ventures, Mike DelPrete writes
by Mike DelPrete Jul 1