• Find out if the mortgage process is causing you extra, undue stress.
  • Find out if said stress is causing an unhealthy caffeine addiction.
  • Find out if you need to change some of your mortgage processes for health reasons.

I once heard someone say that because coffee is made from beans, it’s like a vegetable — and therefore healthy enough to be consumed six to eight times a day. So why not drink up the caffeine and ignore the jitters and random urges to dance around the parking lot singing “I Can’t Feel My Face?”

With regulations, audits and violations looming for those involved in the mortgage process, you might feel like coffee is your best friend that keeps you awake and alert amidst tedious procedures and oversight. Or are you the rare person who doesn’t need a boost to move the mortgage process along?

According to the Mayo Clinic, the above symptoms can arise from drinking four or more cups of coffee a day. If you suffer from any of them, it might be a good time to ask your friends and family to knock your fourth cup of Joe out of your hand.

Important: If you are experiencing four or more of the above symptoms, you probably need to consult a doctor.

Emily Hoffman is the blogging and social media manager for ATS Secured. Follow her on Twitter or connect with her LinkedIn.

Email Emily Hoffman.

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