33 milliseconds to form an impression: 7 tips for making it count
It takes as little as 33 milliseconds for someone to form a first impression of you — so what are you doing to make sure you stand out? Here, top professionals from across the country share how they put their best selves forward
by Georg Chmiel Dec 6
Clothes the deal: How to dress to impress in this new normal
Whether you're preparing for a Zoom meeting or a transition back to the office when stay-at-home orders lift, knowing how to dress the part might be the key to closing the deal
by Troy Palmquist May 7
Try this easy hack to get more high-end real estate listings
It’s all about appearances, so fake it 'til you make it
by Sean Kirby Jan 19
10 revolutionary life hacks for real estate agents
Reach new levels of efficiency with these apps and programs
by Corey Wright Aug 18