The Dallas, Texas-based real estate agent who suffered brain damage after a botched nose job in Mexico has passed away, her family and attorney announced on Saturday.

In October 2018, JP and Associates Realtors Uptown agent Laura Avila, 36, traveled to Juárez, Mexico from Dallas with fiancé Enrique Cruz in order to get rhinoplasty at a cheaper rate. The anesthesia doctors injected into Avila’s spine went up to her brain instead of through her body, which caused a rapid drop in blood pressure, brain swelling and cardiac arrest, according to a GoFundMe crowdfunding page set up by Laura’s sister Angie Avila to cover the family’s medical bills.

By the time Avila’s family were able to bring her back to Texas, doctors were recommending hospice care.

“My angelic sister/second mom/best friend & Heartbeat left us today around 8:20AM. My heart aches, and I truly don’t know how or if I’ll ever overcome this pain,” Angie Avila wrote in a Facebook post dated November 24. “What I do know is that I am beyond lucky to have had the chance to be her sister for 25 wonderful years.”

Avila’s attorney, who is representing the family in a case against the Juárez medical center where she underwent the procedure, advised others seeking more affordable cosmetic surgery in foreign countries.

Agents, particularly those who work with celebrity clients, have reported feeling pressure to keep up a perfect image as part of their work.

“So that her death is not in vain, people should think of Laura before they look for cross-border discount surgery,” Avila’s attorney Larry Friedman told CBS News. “They should do their homework and investigate the experience, training and track record of anyone BEFORE they sign up. Always LOOK before you leap!”

As of the time of this posting, Angie Avila’s GoFundMe has raised $81,228 of its $150,000 goal.

Email Veronika Bondarenko

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