Who makes more: solo or team agents? We've got the answer
When shopping around for a brokerage, new agents may not know what to look for. Team leader Carl Medford breaks down the difference between going it alone and becoming part of a team
by Carl Medford Sep 27
8 reasons sellers aren't selling (and how to get them off the fence)
Interest rates, insurance premiums, tax concerns and more are keeping sellers from putting their homes on the market and forcing them to defer their dreams
by Carl Medford Sep 20
Avoid these 5 deal-killers to get across the finish line
Got a client? Get them to the finish line. These 5 escrow failures can stop you in your tracks
by Carl Medford Sep 11
John Maxwell's 9 tips to accelerate your team in a slow market
If your team isn’t intentionally fighting to move uphill, it inevitably slides down, according to John Maxwell. Team leader Carl Medford breaks down the keys to moving your team forward
by Carl Medford Sep 4
Want to be a better listener? These 3 keys will help
It is so easy to dismiss someone because they may make a request you do not understand or even think is stupid. Truly listening, however, can set you on a new and wonderful trajectory
by Carl Medford Aug 25
4 do's (and 4 don'ts) for mastering the art of giving feedback
While the process of being critiqued is never fun, it is frequently the pathway to the next level of performance and is critical to the overall health of personal relationships and organizations alike
by Carl Medford Jul 27
16 habits top-performing real estate agents commit to
The power of incremental change is monumental. Small improvements every day will compound into extraordinary results over time
by Carl Medford Jul 18
5 fundamentals you can't afford to ignore this summer
Those agents who are still consistently working the fundamentals are the ones seeing success, and they'll also be the ones who have clients when we hit Q4
by Carl Medford Jul 8
Got a buyer on the line? Here are 4 steps for handling objections today
Those who learn to effectively handle objections will be the ones who end up at the closing table with their clients
by Carl Medford Jun 24
10 skills listing agents need to thrive in today's market
To be the best at your craft, take the required abilities, practice more than the competition and then seek out a coach to help fine-tune each area of practice
by Carl Medford Jun 14
Stop trying to be Steve Jobs. Focus on these 12 principles instead
These 12 principles can act as guideposts and mile markers to measure your forward progress. Do not take shortcuts
by Carl Medford Jun 7
Here's how to find (and become) a life-changing mentor
Whichever side of the mentor/mentee relationship you fall on, it's vital to understand what makes mentoring worthwhile and workable
by Carl Medford May 15
'It is a weird market': Why 'highest and best' could be a deal-killer
Instead of a blanket call for the highest and best offer, listing agents and buyer agents need to get back to the basics of negotiating
by Carl Medford May 3
Vibe check: 4 hacks to create a successful work environment
Environment is everything when it comes to productivity and optimal outcomes. Here's how to create one that's conducive to success
by Carl Medford Apr 28
Commission compression depression? 4 steps to ease pain
Do your clients focus on price or potential? Whether it's your commission or their home price, their attitude will make all the difference
by Carl Medford Apr 19