A homeseller went viral on TikTok this week after sharing a video of a mess left behind by people viewing her home.

TikTok user @fortdefiance said she had an agent show her home to a family, and noticed something askew in her bathroom when she returned.  The content creator said she found the bathroom floor covered in water, and the bottom of her bathtub filthy.

“So I just got back to my house after showing and [I’m] walking around turning off lights and stuff walking to the bathroom and I was like, ‘Huh. There’s water on the floor — like, I know I just cleaned that,’” she said in the clip, which received over 228,000 views.

The user noted she “painstakingly scrubbed and vacuumed”  the bathroom and tub before the viewing, and mentioned in a follow up video that she has been caring for an injured baby goat in the tub, so she took extra care to make sure it was up to human standards. In the video, the woman appears to point the finger squarely at the people viewing her home and not at the goat.


I wish we had cameras because I am seriously so curious about what happened in my house during this showing 😂 #realestate #houseshowing

♬ original sound – Fort Defiance

She also speculated that someone may have been in her bed, noting that the covers had clearly been disturbed and a bench attached to one bed had been separated.

“Hope you guys had fun!” she said at the end of the video, seemingly amused.

Commenters couldn’t believe the apparent behavior of the viewers, and the apparent laxness of the agent.

“As a Realtor, this is 100 percent on the showing agent to let their clients know what is/isn’t acceptable,” wrote one commenter. “Have your agent call their agent ASAP.”

“What in the Goldilocks was going on?!” wrote another user.

Email Ben Verde

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