Several months after Kofi Nartey announced his team’s move to Real, the brokerage has launched a new luxury division with Nartey serving as executive director.

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As more luxury agents and teams continue to express an interest in joining the firm, The Real Brokerage has launched its own luxury division, Real Luxury, the company announced on Wednesday.


The division will serve the specialized needs of luxury agents and their clients while taking full advantage of the firm’s proprietary technology and “entrepreneur-centric model.”

Sharran Srivatsaa | The Real Brokerage

“We continue to see an influx of top-performing agents and teams throughout North America who believe that Real offers the best platform to grow their businesses,” Real President Sharran Srivatsaa said in a statement. “By establishing Real Luxury, we will be able to offer our agents who have built successful luxury practices the specialized support, training and resources they need to expand their capabilities and take their business to the next level.”

Sports and entertainment giant Kofi Nartey brought his Globl RED real estate team to Real in August 2023. In addition to serving as Real’s national growth leader, Nartey will now also serve as executive director of Real Luxury.

Agents who join Real Luxury will gain access to partner networks of more than 100,000 luxury agents worldwide, a large referral network, specialized training and continuing education programs, members-only events and conferences and discounts on various other products and services, including advertising in Mansion Global and The Wall Street Journal and custom property websites.

Individuals who wish to join Real Luxury must earn the Institute for Luxury Home Marketing’s Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist (CLHMS) designation before becoming a member.

Through this and other required standards, Real aims to cultivate some of the most elite luxury agents in the industry.

Founding members of the luxury division in addition to Nartey will include Las Vegas-based Jill Batchelor; San Diego-based Felicia Lewis; Orlando, Florida-based Peter Luu; Calgary, Ontario-based Brad McCallum; New Jersey Shore-based Salvatore Ventre; and South Florida-based Erica Wolfe.

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