Cutting corners to build a team? Think again
Everybody likes to save time and money, but it may cost you more in the long run. Prioritize the right strategies instead of the fast and cheap ones when you're building and scaling your real estate business
Team(b)erage: The solution for scaling indie agents
Teams are not for everyone, yet many independent agents don’t necessarily want to reinvent the wheel. Teamberages are the middle way for anyone who is driven, growth-minded, and willing to put in the work
by Adam Hergenrother Jun 30
Crisis management: Are you a peacetime or a wartime leader?
What is your natural leadership style and how is it suited to the phase your business is in right now — and in the days to come?
by Adam Hergenrother Jun 23
You got that big think energy? Here's how to grow it
We talk a lot about mindset and the importance of thinking big, but is that always the right move? Determine how to think big where and how it really counts
by Adam Hergenrother May 31
KW mega team Livian expands reach in New England with merger
Keller Williams' top producing team in Connecticut, The Miale Team, joins one of Keller Williams' top expansion teams, Livian. The merger strengthens Livian's New England presence
by Marian McPherson May 25
Are you a leader? How to bring out the best in your people
Knowing how to be the best leader you can be is the first step before you can really be effective in helping your team blossom and grow.
by Adam Hergenrother May 17
These mistakes can derail your business. Here's how to avoid them
From financial mistakes to shiny object syndrome, there are so many ways to get off track. Here's how to avoid game-changing errors — or get back on track after making one
by Adam Hergenrother Apr 27
Feeling self-doubt? 4 tips for leading through imposter syndrome
You may experience imposter syndrome from time to time as your business grows, you take on a new role in your real estate team, or when you are presented with a new and exciting opportunity. These feelings can be overcome so that everyone succeeds
by Adam Hergenrother Apr 14
How to create an environment for women to become leaders in real estate
Although there are many women in real estate, there are far fewer in leadership roles. Correcting the imbalance requires everyone to lean in and create a culture that allows everyone to thrive
by Adam Hergenrother Mar 24
How to give feedback to your boss or leadership team
Success in work and life happens one conversation at a time. The more feedback team members give and get, the better everyone will become
by Adam Hergenrother Mar 14
Hiring new staff on your team? Make the first 100 days count
The first 100 days are critical in setting your newly hired staff member up for success and ensuring a swift return on your team's investment
Need more support? 4 tips for making your first key hire
Starting with one key hire in the form of a real estate assistant will give you incredible leverage and should lead to significant growth, if you hire the right person
by Adam Hergenrother Feb 17
Hit the $1M mark in 2023 with these 10 must-reads
Team leader Adam Hergenrother shares 10 books to help rev up your revenue this year. Take notes. Test out some of the ideas, and watch your business soar
by Adam Hergenrother Jan 27
What agents can learn from Gary Keller, the most powerful person in real estate
Last week, Gary Keller was named the most powerful person in real estate, earning the No. 1 spot on the Swanepoel Power 200. Here's why that's a well-deserved win — and a few lessons agents can learn from his leadership
by Adam Hergenrother Jan 21
Retaining talent in 2022: 5 tips for keeping your team happy
This year will be all about the employee — more specifically, the year of honoring the choices of the individual. Here are the top 5 workplace trends leaders should be aware of