How to sell visually with social media
Learn how to incorporate visual marketing strategies into your real estate playbook
by Jennifer Naval Dec 10
How to get predictable leads using pay-per-click advertising

Pay-per-click or PPC is online advertising that charges you for each click or action the viewer takes. What’s great is you only pay for the result, instead of the distribution, such as with print marketing. Anyone’s who’s used Google or Facebook has seen PPC in action.

by Chris Scott Nov 9
How to use online ratings and reviews to promote your business
Real estate agents and brokers can put online ratings and reviews to work, promoting your business through positive word-of-click referrals online.
by Jennifer Naval Oct 23
5 powerful slides for every listing presentation
Educate sellers and demonstrate your competence in a way that sets you apart from other agents
by Jennifer Naval Oct 8
Connecting with the consumer: Marketing real estate in the digital age
There are tried-and-true methods to marketing yourself as an agent, but you might have to tweak them to your personality
by Kimberly Manning Aug 5
Garry Wise and Chris Scott share the new rules of marketing on Facebook
Marketing on Facebook isn't an option, it's a requirement
by Inman Jul 23
How to find seller leads online -- and turn them into listings
Two industry experts offer hourlong seminar on digital seller leads
by Inman May 8
The new 3 P's of selling a home
Updating the 'put sign in yard, place listing on MLS and pray' method of selling property
by Inman Apr 23