Why Slack is one of the best free apps out there
Keep up with the conversation using this engaging communication platform
by Rachael Hite Jan 14
Real estate Jedis: 4 lessons 'Star Wars' teaches us about being a good agent
The legendary science-fiction film franchise holds many life lessons, and a few about real estate
by Craig C. Rowe Dec 16
6 #SquadGoals for you and your crew this fall
Now that you have a squad, enjoy spending time with them while accomplishing goals
by Rachael Hite Sep 22
Who's on your squad?
14 key people to add to your vendor network
by Rachael Hite Sep 21
10 ways to attract (and keep) millennial agents
Gen Y might just be the most valuable asset out there
by Marnie Blanco May 6
5 reasons you want millennials on your team
Wired and intent on learning, Gen Yers have a lot to offer
by Charlie Young Apr 1
Win over millennial real estate clients with a 'team player' attitude
For the youngest homebuyers, a strong network is key
by Marnie Blanco Feb 25