Will NAR solicit venture capital funding from 1.3 million Realtors?
National Association of Realtors Treasurer Tom Riley teases 'new revamp' of venture capital arm Second Century Ventures
Realtors will get to keep more money in their pockets thanks to the addition of 67,000 new paying members
washington dc
NAR President Elizabeth Mendenhall opened the trade group's annual conference in D.C. with a bold invitation for dialogue and criticism
by Andrea V. Brambila May 16
NAR 'furious' over criticism of leadership, denies profiteering
Addressing a critical op-ed, the real estate trade group strongly defends its actions and denies benefiting 'in any way' from DocuSign
Read NAR's response to HAR's stance on raising dues
'We will not abdicate our responsibility to lead during this time of change'
by Tom Riley Apr 30