Pinellas Realtor Organization / Central Pasco Realtor Organization approved their merger with Greater Tampa Realtors, forming a new group called Tampa Bay Realtors.

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Two Florida Realtor associations announced a merger on Thursday, creating what they say is now the sixth-largest association in the country and the third-largest in Florida.

The Pinellas Realtor Organization / Central Pasco Realtor Organization approved their merger with Greater Tampa Realtors to create a new organization called Tampa Bay Realtors with over 24,000 members in Hillsborough, Pinellas and Pasco counties, according to a press release.

Staff members of both organizations will remain in their positions and will coordinate efforts to expand their support services for members on a region-wide basis, according to the announcement.

Tampa Bay Realtors will continue to bring localized services to our members while harnessing our enterprise size and scale to provide cutting-edge programs and influential advocacy,” said Brad Monroe, chair of the task force that organized the merger.

Prior to the merger, Greater Tampa Realtors boasted 15,000 members in the Tampa Bay area, making the largest real estate association in the area, while Pinellas Realtor Organization / Central Pasco Realtor Organization had just over 10,000 members, according to the press release. Both organizations focused on professional development, networking, political advocacy and government affairs.

“To consumers, Tampa Bay is one thriving region. With unification, members can leverage the incredible resources across both associations to provide real estate services throughout the Tampa Bay area with three service centers for more in-person support and a larger combined staff to support member needs, Adam Grenville, 2024 president of Greater Tampa Realtors said in a statement.

The merger comes as Tampa’s real estate market cools from its pandemic highs, with the median sale price sitting at $430,000 — down 1.1 percent year over year according to Redfin, yet still elevated considerably from pre-pandemic prices.

“In today’s uncertain real estate market, there truly is strength in numbers. The combined centers of excellence of our two associations will enable Tampa Bay Realtors to simplify members’ ability to navigate industry changes and enjoy more impactful tools, education, and coordinated advocacy to significantly increase the return on membership dues,” Tom Steck, President of Central Pasco Realtor Organization said in a statement.

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