To achieve growth goals, brokers need to break out of existing molds and get creative with their approach, all while keeping their “strategic subway map” at the forefront, Duffy told Inman Connect New York attendees.

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New Zealand Black Foils driver Peter Burling doesn’t win races by following the rest of the pack — he does it by seeing things differently. That’s the message that United Real Estate founder and CEO Dan Duffy wants agents and brokers to take home after leaving Inman Connect New York this week.


The CEO showed a clip of the New Zealand team’s recent victory in an international hydrofoil boat race where the Black Foils started the race far away from other teams that had huddled together for protection from the wind, but still achieved a perfect finish.

Dan Duffy

“[Burling] said, forget it,” Duffy relayed to the crowd. “I’m going to go way out over here and start the race differently.

“They never caught up to him — they never came close.”

That mentality of thinking in a way different from the rest of the industry is a core value of United Real Estate that Duffy credits as helping the family of real estate brands grow about 735 percent over the past five years, both organically and through mergers and acquisitions.

As part of this mindset, brokers and team leaders should think about how their clients spend their day and how they can better serve those clients.

For Duffy and his leadership team at United, that means thinking about how agents spend their time every day and how leadership can help streamline their jobs.

A company’s evolution does not happen overnight, Duffy reminded the Inman Connect audience. It is a very gradual process, and sometimes there are periods of stasis.

“In real estate, there were decades of stasis,” Duffy said, before the industry picked up momentum in recent years, and billions and billions of dollars started to be poured into products to disrupt the industry.

Duffy likened the cataclysmic climate events that have happened over the course of the planet’s history to the companies and events that have disrupted real estate in recent years — such as, Compass and Zillow — as well as the antitrust commission lawsuits.

“Instead of these events … these companies have positively created an environment where certain models … will win and lose,” Duffy said.

“When these things happen, you have to think differently … And for those that think differently …  you have an incredible opportunity.”

Dan Duffy’s slide of real estate companies disrupting the industry | Credit: Dan Duffy

Duffy’s method for addressing industry disruption while promoting United Real Estate’s own growth has been to create what he called a “strategic subway map” that helps the company with a plan of action to achieve its goals.

“You need to have a strategic subway map,” Duffy urged other brokers.

The subway map helped the company increase its agent count from about 2,500 agents in Q1 2011 to about 25,000 agents in Q4 2024.

As part of the map, the company also had to implement step functions, in order to achieve systematic growth, Duffy said.

“These are the kinds of results you get, but it doesn’t happen immediately,” he said. “There have to be long-range strategic plans in place so you can see things and execute them so you can arrive at your destination.”

Near the end of his presentation, Duffy also gave audience members examples of how to put thinking differently into action, which he shared in a slide.

Dan Duffy’s 10 actionable techniques to think differently | Credit: Dan Duffy

From taking the inverse position from the popular one to moving people around within a company about once every three years (by their third year, most people start to defend the status quo in their position, Duffy said), the CEO proffered 10 ways for agents and brokers to switch things up in order to think differently.

Duffy also showed a graphic illustrating the outsized proportion of tech companies in the U.S. compared to those in other parts of the world and said it represents just how much venture capital is willing to bet on growing new ideas in this country. That willingness to gamble could be a great opportunity for brokers, Duffy said.

“The U.S. as a culture will take capital and risk it on new ideas,” Duffy said.

Venture capital firms will get behind you and you need to think about the fact that you are blessed … You have the opportunity to capture that dynamo.”

Email Lillian Dickerson

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