Discover what contingent and pending mean in real estate and learn about different listing statuses and other questions surrounding the purchase of homes
Seeing contingencies come back? Your market is shifting
As the market shifts, the reemergence of contingent transactions and contingency clauses can help you gauge the balance of power
by Bret Weinstein Jul 8
18 simple terms that scare homebuyers
Use this guide to educate your clients
by Boom Rizal Jul 6
Be the winning bid in a multiple offer: Focus on deposit, contingencies, lockbox
Realtor tips for closing transactions in today's market
by Bernice Ross Nov 14
Don't assume higher bid is better
by Dian Hymer Oct 15
If agent and broker are unwilling to help, consider ethics complaint
by Barry Stone Jun 12
Old fees may come back to haunt
by Dian Hymer Oct 24
Overpriced listings give buyers bargaining chip
by Dian Hymer Nov 3
How to make your purchase offer stand out
by Bernice Ross Oct 30
REThink Real Estate
Part 1: Avoiding the bad condo blues
by Bernice Ross Jul 23
When closing gets delayed, flexibility is key
by Dian Hymer Jun 29