Go figure: rabid football fans, commission competition, home averages across the pond and more
Go figure: winter getaways, real estate coaches and counting the cost of homeownership
Go figure: Wall Street firms buying rentals, hottest season to sell, commission rundown and more
Go figure: worst months to sell, buyer concerns, rental and homeownership rates and more
Go figure: home price jumps, online loans, recovery trends and more
A collection of numbers to ponder and share
by Inman Dec 30
Go figure: recovery, adjustable mortgages, portal traffic and more
A collection of numbers to ponder and share
by Inman Dec 23
Go figure: foreclosing time, city walkability, millennial homeowners and more
A collection of numbers to ponder and share
by Inman Dec 16
A dose of real estate (and random) data, facts and figures
by Inman Dec 9
Go figure: market affordability, stock prices, household data and more
A collection of numbers to ponder and share
by Inman Dec 2
Go figure: Sticky and least sticky markets, CEO stock sales and more
A collection of numbers to ponder and share
by Inman Nov 25