ICNY 18 Marketing: Don't be a 'basic' salesperson
... be a rock star marketer
by Inman Mar 16
How to plan a business event around your personal passion
Seattle's Team Diva Real Estate duo is a case study for turning something you care about into a business opportunity
by Amber Taufen Mar 24
Is being 'politically correct' in our discussions inauthentic?
Jasmyn Jefferson and Kim Colaprete weigh in on how we can make our heated interactions more productive (online and face-to-face)
by Inman Oct 25
Kim Colaprete and Chavi Hohm on getting clients to come to you

Kim Colaprete and Chavi Hohm, co-owners of Team Diva Real Estate, share why they feel agent training is key, the biggest challenge to real estate today and how marketing can help generate clients.

by Inman May 17
Engage your real estate clients and prospects with fun events

Team Diva Real Estate’s Kim Colaprete shows why throwing a client event is always a good idea.

by Inman Apr 21
Want to work with fun, engaging clients? Be fun and engaging
Partying like a diva can actually win real estate clients
by Bernice Ross Feb 13