Biggest mistake real estate agents make is developing their brand before they know their customers
4 questions that help identify what matters most to your clients
by Bernice Ross Mar 6
Dotloop's Austin Allison and Chris Smith, in their new book, 'Peoplework,' say real estate agents can boost lead conversion by focusing on customers' 'lifetime value'
Want to work with fun, engaging clients? Be fun and engaging
Partying like a diva can actually win real estate clients
by Bernice Ross Feb 13
Real estate agents' body language and speech can cost them business
Find out which gestures cause clients to lose trust in you
by Bernice Ross Jan 23
Saving your real estate business from disaster: 6 ways to prepare for major obstacles, illness
With the right systems in place, you can rely on autopilot during recovery
by ActiveRain Jan 16
Reorganize your email and achieve 'inbox zero'
How to manage your subscriptions and spam but not lose track of leads
by Bernice Ross Jan 13
Property Academy's Peter Knight reveals 3 strategies for keeping past real estate clients coming back for more
Trade-offs in new construction: Consider livability, utility costs, maintenance when choosing builder
With Facebook, phone calls and Twitter, miscommunication with real estate clients is easy but can be avoided
What real estate clients really need: usable, high-quality information and regular, personalized follow-up
Unbounce, Issuu and AgentsArmor: Create smarter landing pages, marketing that wows, and safer showings
Realtors wise to be schooled in reverse mortgage pitfalls before recommending to clients
Homeowners who've recently lost spouse are often in dire financial straits
by Bernice Ross Dec 5
The ultimate real estate career boost: giving back through acts of kindness
Acknowledging those who've helped you the most, along with those less fortunate, can be good for business
by Bernice Ross Nov 25
Be the winning bid in a multiple offer: Focus on deposit, contingencies, lockbox
Realtor tips for closing transactions in today's market
by Bernice Ross Nov 14