Selling yourself is a little bit like dating. You have to make a great first impression. So, here are a few things to keep in mind if you want to impress your clients from the get-go and make them feel like you’re the perfect fit for their needs.

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What will make you stand out among the best of the best agents in your area, you ask? Putting together an exceptional presentation that’s worth all the extra points. This can make or break your listing appointment, so it’s important that you prepare and prove that you’re the right agent for the job.

Surprisingly, it’s not always what you do or say that gets you across the finish line. Sometimes, what you don’t do or don’t say can make you special and make the homeowner feel respected, acknowledged and dazzled.

Selling yourself is a little bit like dating. That first impression is made within the first five minutes of meeting someone. Your charm, charisma, energy and positive attitude all come into play. However, it’s not all about the words you say. It’s also about the actions behind those well-chosen words.

Remember: Less is more. Sometimes, agents are so eager to establish a good first impression that they go overboard. So, with that said, let’s focus on some mistakes people make with homeowners that might stop them from having that perfect chemistry and moving forward.

1. Flip charts are a cop-out

Are you a leader and someone with charisma? Doing a one-size-fits-all presentation will not set you apart from your competition. You have to take it a step further. Come prepared to blow your client away with your pitch, which has to show that you did your research and are knowledgeable and totally invested.

2. Quit bragging

Stop talking about your ranking, your achievements and your success. Instead, let your clients come to their own conclusions based on your presentation and humility. Another important factor? Your ability to engage them in your meeting by focusing on their specific concerns, priorities and goals.

Listen carefully before speaking. Acknowledge their questions, and spend time discussing their concerns. Present solutions that alleviate their fears, anxieties and doubts. Build trust by allowing them to express themselves and be fully heard.

3. Avoid telling them ‘how we do it’

Don’t tell your clients what the “right way” of doing things are. Nobody wants to feel like someone else is dictating the process. People want to feel heard, supported and respected.

Involve your clients in the decision-making process by presenting options and alternatives. Make sure that you explain the pros and cons of every one of those choices. Inform them about every service you potentially have to offer, and reassure them that you have their best interest in mind.

4. Stop finishing their sentences and talking like a teacher or a parent

It’s true: Your clients don’t have the experience you do. That’s why they hired you. They want to learn and understand the process, and they need your expertise along the way.

That said, people generally don’t want to feel like they’re treated or talked to like inexperienced students or children. Everyone wants an effortless, stress-free and enjoyable experience. They want to feel respected, in charge and in control. Your clients are looking for that “vibe” that indicates the relationship is a good fit.

5. Don’t look at your phone or watch

Here’s a simple thought to keep in mind when you meet clients, whether it’s in person or virtually. When you’re talking to them, everything else gets put on hold. There should be nothing else on your mind. Your razor-sharp focus should be completely with them.

As far as your body language goes, make sure you’re relaxed. When you exude confidence, your clients will feel comfortable and encouraged to engage with you. Also, quit using your computer as a crutch. Use it as a tool instead.

6. Quit telling them how busy you are

Clients fear abandonment. They have heard of agents who are more of the “list me and leave me” types. Your clients want to know that you’ll be there by their side and hold their hands through the entire process.

Be careful when explaining job descriptions of team members. You don’t want your clients to incorrectly think that they’ll be split off to other people while you’re off listing more homes and dealing with more expensive properties. You want your clients to feel like they’re your top priority.

7. Don’t walk off without a commitment

If you can’t get a signature, ask the following two questions. The first one is: “Is there any service that you’ve heard of that we haven’t discussed? Or, is there an expectation you have that I have not completely given you assurance that I can provide to your satisfaction?”

The other question is: “Since you’re interviewing and discussing agent interviews, would you please promise me one thing? Would you please allow me just one last opportunity to speak with you by phone before you sign a listing agreement with anyone? That’s my only request. Does that sound reasonable?”

These two questions are the game-changers that will give you a last opportunity to close after the homeowner has assessed all the information from all the other agents they’ve interviewed.

Ron Wynn is a real estate broker with Compass in California. Connect with him via LinkedIn and Instagram

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