EXp Realty’s new coaching platform, eXp Elevate Coaching, features live and on-demand courses from the brokerage’s top agents. The first round of classes starts in June.

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EXp Realty has launched eXp Elevate Coaching, a platform the brokerage calls an “advanced extension” of its University and Mentor programs.

EXp Elevate Coaching features an array of live and pre-recorded classes that help agents build and improve their professional skills. Both modules, dubbed Accelerate Live and Accelerate On-Demand, are led by top-performing eXp agents.

Bryon Ellington

“With eXp Elevate Coaching, we are taking a significant step forward in equipping our agents with the tools and insights they need to excel and hit their goals,” eXp Realty Chief Learning Officer Bryon Ellington said in a written statement.

The classes are exclusively available to agents in the U.S. and Canada through the eXp University platform. The first round of Accelerate Live starts in June with courses led by Levi Lascsak, Knolly Williams, Sherry Swift, Carrie Soave, and Dan Beer on topics including YouTube Mastery, lead gen for listing agents and leveraging artificial intelligence.

“This innovative program is designed to provide personalized, actionable guidance that addresses the unique challenges and opportunities faced by today’s real estate professionals,” Ellington said.

EXp Elevate Coaching’s launch comes a week after eXp Realty’s parent company, eXp World Holding’s, first-quarter earnings, where the company revealed a drop in agent count as it “offboards” non-productive agents.

EXp World Holdings CEO Glenn Sanford and eXp Realty CEO Leo Pareja said leadership is laser-focused on reigniting agent count growth, with an emphasis on recruiting and retaining top-producing agents and team leaders.

“Last year, we said we’d focus on delivering vetted, high-quality opportunities to agents, expanding personal and professional services, like SUCCESS, revenue share equity opportunities and affiliate agreements, streamlining operational support to our agents and enhancing our technology,” Pareja said. “We delivered all these promises in 2023, and we believe it’s reflected in the higher agent [net promoter score] scores this year.”

“We’re really focused on building our agent base with the highest quality agents in the industry,” he added.

Email Marian McPherson

eXp Realty
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