The “List My Home for Rent” tool is available in 13 US markets and is tailored to property owners with fewer than 10 rentals. The listings will be syndicated to the marketplace later this year.

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Seattle-based portal Redfin has released a rental tool for property owners looking to rent their homes. The tool is available in Chicago; Hampton Roads, Virginia; Hawaii; New York; Northern New England; Oregon; Rhode Island; Richmond, Virginia; Sacramento, California; San Francisco, Seattle; Southern California; and Washington, D.C.

George Perantatos

“When it’s time to move, many homeowners evaluate whether to list their home for sale or rent it out,” Redfin Senior Director of Product George Perantatos said on Thursday. “We can now help homeowners in either scenario reach the millions of people looking for a new place on Redfin.”

“Renters are looking for a variety of property types from apartments to single-family homes, and individual property owners make up a significant share of the overall rental market,” he added. “Redfin’s rental tools help independent rental property owners fill vacancies quickly and give renters more options for their next place to call home.”

To get started, property owners must go to the “List My Home for Rent” page and provide their home address, basic property information, a brief listing description, rental price and contact information. From there, owners can track listing views, answer renter inquiries, schedule tours, and extend or remove their listing for free.

If a property owner wants to list more than 10 properties or list multi-family properties with more than five units, they’ll be guided to the team to learn about their services.

Listings published through “List My Home for Rent” aren’t currently syndicated to Apartment Guide, and; however, they will be later this year.

“Introducing tools for individual rental property owners, real estate investors and agents is a natural next step for Redfin as we build our rental marketplace,” the company explained. “We plan to expand our offerings for property owners in the future, including tools to schedule tours, screen renters and submit applications. Watch this space for future updates.”

Email Marian McPherson

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