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In life, especially in our business, it’s easy to get caught up in the frenzy of what everyone else is doing. The pressure to conform — to follow the crowd — can be overwhelming. But here’s the truth: greatness isn’t found in following the masses but in carving out your own path.
One of my favorite quotes comes from the legendary Warren Buffett, who said, “When people are greedy, be afraid. But when people are afraid, be greedy.” Buffett was talking about investing in the stock market, but I apply this wisdom to every aspect of my life.
When everyone else is panicking, and fear is driving the masses, that’s your moment to step up and see the opportunity others are missing. When everyone is looking at “this new thing,“ you should be looking for “that other thing.”
Chasing trends
In this industry (and most maybe), it can feel like everyone is chasing the latest trend. Trends are all over social media, trying to become the next big TikTok or YouTube star. But here’s the thing: when everyone is zigging, you need to zag.
While others are pouring their energy into posting all over social media, it’s time to focus on something tried and true, like mailing campaigns. Please don’t follow the crowd; it’s much harder to stand out in the sea of agents when you’re doing what everyone else is doing. Instead, forge your unique path.
Now more than ever, this approach is essential. In the wake of last year’s NAR settlement noise, many agents are still scrambling, making up rules and spreading misinformation. It’s like a scene from Titanic — panic takes over, and people mindlessly follow the crowd, only to realize too late that it leads to disaster.
But like in the movie, the survivors stayed focused, knew what needed to be done, and navigated the chaos with clarity and purpose.
Don’t get distracted by the noise
So, here’s what I want you to remember: Don’t get sucked into the craziness. Don’t follow those who are unprepared and lost. In this storm of uncertainty, you must be the lighthouse in the fog.
When a fog bank rolls in while you’re driving, you don’t speed up — you slow down, you become cautious. But right now, people are speeding up, making hasty decisions because they’re scared and just want to get free of the fog. Don’t follow them. Be the steady light that guides others safely to shore.
Your clients — buyers and sellers — are confused. They have questions, and they need answers. They need you to be confident, to be sure, to lead them. You are their lighthouse in this storm. So, stand firm, stay on course and don’t waver.
You’ve got this. Remember, in a world full of followers, be a leader. Carve out your own path, stay focused and, most importantly, keep smiling.
Darryl Davis is the CEO of Darryl Davis Seminars. Connect with him on Facebook or YouTube.