Coach Darryl Davis offers insight into how a small mistake or moment of carelessness can undermine not only your professional reputation but the industry as a whole.

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Recently, I embarked on what I thought would be a luxurious and unforgettable cruise aboard the Celebrity Equinox. Celebrity Cruises has a great reputation for exceptional service, customer care and attention to detail.

Right from the moment you board, you can instantly see that this is a company committed to excellence. From dining to entertainment to ensuring the health and safety of their passengers, they aim to please — and impress. However, as I discovered, one person’s negligence can overshadow an otherwise stellar reputation.  

As part of our trip, I excitedly purchased tickets to the Chef’s Table, an exclusive dining experience featuring the finest dishes crafted by the head chef. It promised to be a night to remember, and boy, was it ever — just not in the way I had hoped.

See, I have a deadly sesame allergy, so my wife and I went to great lengths to communicate this in advance. We called the dedicated Chef’s Table line, told the maître d’ upon arrival, reiterated it to the head server, and even discussed it with the chef himself. Despite this, during the third course — a seabass dish seasoned with za’atar — I noticed sesame seeds on my plate. 

For anyone familiar with za’atar, sesame is a primary ingredient. My wife, who is a pastry chef, immediately confirmed my suspicion. But when we raised the issue with the chef, he dismissed it, insisting there was no sesame in the dish.

I wasn’t impressed with his response, which was not only dismissive, but flippant, like he believed I was overreacting. Against my better judgment, I trusted his authority and ate the dish, which quickly led to a severe allergic reaction requiring a visit to the ship’s infirmary. What could have been a delightful evening turned into a nightmare. 

The ripple effect of neglect 

What I want to note here is that the rest of the crew — the maître d’, servers and other staff — were attentive and clearly cared about my safety. They embodied the professionalism and customer-focused ideology that Celebrity Cruises is known for, and I wouldn’t lay any blame for my experience at the feet of the cruise line. However, the lack of attention and dismissive attitude from that one chef put my health at serious risk. 

So, why did I share this story? Because this incident is a powerful reminder that one person, one moment or one small detail can shape an entire experience — for better or for worse. As real estate professionals, you need to remember that at all times, the little things matter. They matter in business, they matter in relationships and they especially matter when the stakes are high. 

The parallels to real estate 

Like the chef in charge of the dining experience, we have a tremendous responsibility. People trust us with one of the most important decisions of their lives: buying or selling a home. And just like one chef’s negligence can harm a cruise line’s reputation, one agent’s actions can tarnish the reputation of the entire industry. 

Think about it: 

  • An agent who dismisses a client’s concerns, fails to disclose critical information or neglects to follow through can erode trust — not just in their personal brand but in the profession as a whole. How many times have you heard the “I had a previous bad experience with an agent” objection? 
  • On the flip side, an agent who goes the extra mile, listens intently and pays attention to the details can elevate the entire industry by setting an example of excellence. Not only do you earn their trust (and their referrals) but you increase the standard of excellence in the whole industry. 

Small things, big impact 

The lesson here is that excellence isn’t about grand gestures, it’s about the plethora of small actions that build trust and confidence. It’s about listening to your clients when they express their concerns, double-checking the details others might overlook, and taking responsibility when things don’t go as planned. 

As I reflect on this experience, I’m reminded that it only takes one person to change the narrative. One chef’s actions nearly overshadowed an otherwise fantastic cruise. Is he an excellent chef? Absolutely. Does he need to work on his people skills? Definitely. In the same way, one real estate professional can either lift or drag down an entire industry, no matter their skill level.  

As real estate professionals, you are in a unique position to shape the future of real estate. Every interaction you have with a client, every deal you close, and every detail you attend to is an opportunity to demonstrate that our profession is one of integrity, care, and excellence. 

When I think about the Celebrity Equinox, I don’t think of it as a company that doesn’t care about its customers. On the contrary, my impression of Celebrity Cruises remains that they are committed to customer service and health, but one chef’s negligence cast a shadow over that. In the same way, every real estate agent has the power to build or break trust — not just for themselves, but for all of us. 

Commit to being the agents who lift our industry, who pay attention to the “sesame seeds” that others might dismiss, and who show that excellence is built on the foundation of care, trust and professionalism. Because at the end of the day, it’s the small things that make the biggest difference. 

Darryl Davis is the CEO of Darryl Davis Seminars. Connect with him on Facebook or YouTube

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