7 tips for finding your focus amid today's distractions
Despite our best efforts to buffer ourselves from distractions, we negotiate thousands of them each day. Broker-owner Pam Blair offers tips to hone your focus and find your center
by Pam Blair Nov 17
path, rainbow, success
The pathway to success takes hours of mastering mundane activities to earn income, but it can lead to an exciting lifestyle that’s anything but boring
by Carl Medford Nov 3
Need help prospecting? 10 tips for getting it done
As real estate agents, we are sales professionals. We find customers, we talk to customers, we serve customers. If we are trying to skip any of those steps, we are not doing our jobs. Here are the attitudes and behaviors of top sales professionals
by Todd Conklin May 14
Focus! 4 simple tips for kicking distractions to the curb
By being too busy and constantly inundated with phone calls, notifications and emails, we have evolved into a culture that covets the grind. It really does not have to be this way. If you follow these tips and prioritize the task at hand, your focus will lead to success
Feeling the burnout? 4 ways to avoid WFH stress
Real estate professionals have been at it for six months now, balancing the stress of working from home with a host of other distractions. To avoid being pulled into a state of exhaustion and burnout, here are four tips to keep in mind
by Kathleen Black Sep 10
Stuck in a rut? 3 simple, smart ways to self-motivate
When you're feeling low on energy, it's easy to lose sight of what you're working toward. So, here are some smart ways to cultivate a productive environment and pick yourself back up
by Santiago Arana Jul 23
Get it done! 4 tips for keeping your day on track
As we begin to enter the next phase, now is a great opportunity for agents to implement good work habits to maximize their productivity and return to business with greater focus than ever
by Santiago Arana Jun 30