How to assess the likelihood that your leads will convert
Tracking and predicting conversions ensures more effective and consistent followup
by Tom Toole Jan 24
CRM Cloze launches new feature to better lead conversion
Cloze has implemented a powerful new feature that places leads in front of the agent with whom they have the best relationship
by Craig C. Rowe Jan 14
Using Chime CRM? Here are 3 next-level tips for maximizing conversion
They say that the most effective CRM is the one you actually use, but lead capture is just the first step. Here's how to use Chime CRM to focus on optimizing your entire process from appointment to agreement, agreement to contract, contract to settlement and settlement to repeat client
by Robert Lucido Oct 13
9 tactics to up your sales skills — and win more deals
This is the kind of market that favors the savvy salesperson, even above all the technology, marketing and trendy national brands. These are the times to get back to basics, to rediscover — or begin to uncover — the power of sales
by Craig C. Rowe Apr 26
Chime and social media ad agency Dippidi announce new partnership
The companies announced on Monday a partnership to help real estate professionals boost lead generation and conversion rates
by Lillian Dickerson Jun 29
'What doesn't get measured, doesn't get improved': Lead management fuels discussion at ICNY
RE/MAX Select President, Conversion Monster Founder and Boomtown executive come together to share best practices and concerns about agent accountability to provided leads
by Craig C. Rowe Jan 30
Never give up! How to nurture leads into conversions
Stop the endless quest for more leads, perfect leads or easy leads when you nurture your existing leads more effectively
by Christy Murdock Oct 27