5 ways to generate leads without listings websites
Buying leads is expensive. Here are 5 ways to generate them without spending all that money.
by Gill Chowdhury Dec 14
Facebook ads
Agents who use the platforms to communicate with customers will be able to reach clients on different platforms through one service
by Patrick Kearns Jan 25
HomeHawk's chatbot now offers quick CMAs and home estimates
Facebook Messenger chatbot added sold data on 90 million homes with help from Onboard Informatics
by Craig C. Rowe Apr 30
Your new secret weapon: Facebook’s Click-to-Messenger ads
Engage with leads while they're still warm -- in real time
by Nate Dadosky Nov 21
Facebook Messenger open on a mobile phone
Keep it simple, and make sure that all the information and questions in your chatbot will stand the test of time
by Nate Dadosky Sep 5
New competitor on the Facebook Messenger chatbot scene: HomeHawk
The Siri for real estate may be the comprehensive, local-agent driven bot the industry is seeking
by Craig C. Rowe Apr 14
How Facebook, Messenger and Instagram just merged to save you time
Updates to Facebook's Pages Manager app will aggregate all the info you need on your prospects in one place
by Adam Stephens Nov 22
Facebook Messenger open on a mobile phone
A more effective route to reach out to prospects
by Adam Stephens Oct 27