Why you should never skip pre-qualifying buyers
With a great real estate agent and lender on the team, buyers have the best chance at successfully finding and getting into their dream house — at the best possible price
by Leslie DeLuca Apr 4
Is your inability to say 'no' costing you thousands in real estate?
The problem with opportunity costs is that they tend to be hidden
by Bernice Ross Jul 5
Podcast: 10 ways you allow toxic people to kill your dreams
Podcast: 10 things no one tells you about lead generation (part 2)
The truth about the most important system in your business
Podcast: Feeling personally attacked? 10 ways to protect yourself (Part 2)
Podcast: 15 crazy obvious truths we forget too quickly: Part 1
Focus on the activities that are best for your business
by Tim & Julie Harris Jul 19
5 steps to take your listing presentation to the next level
Don't be afraid to give up the good for the great
by Brian McKenna Oct 26
Soon any website will be able to prequalify homebuyers for a mortgage
Planwise and Informa partner on plug-and-play tool
by Paul Hagey Aug 13