'Much needed' or 'Ridiculous'? Realtors sound off on NAR fee hike
Paying $10 more for the trade group's consumer ad campaign has agents and brokers reevaluating what they're getting for their NAR membership
by Andrea V. Brambila May 10
Tech will never replace agents. Here's why
Real estate agents do things that only a human mind, human touch, understanding and empathy can achieve
by Jay Thompson Oct 12
Your thoughts on good leadership during tough times
Brad Inman took to our Inman Coast to Coast Facebook group to learn how your leaders are displaying good leadership during this difficult time. Here's what they had to say
by Lillian Dickerson Mar 16
Is the inventory crisis over?
Agents see a shift, but it's not a buyer's market quite yet
by Brad Inman Aug 16
What was the biggest 'surprise' in your early years of selling real estate?
From paying taxes to wrapping your head around other agents' competence
by Amber Taufen Jun 13