A basketball just missing the basket
And 35 percent of buyers were surprised by higher-than-expected closing costs
by Marian McPherson Feb 16
Are you disclosing your relationship with your lender?
Let your clients know, for RESPA's sake
by Ryan Fitzgerald Apr 20
Understanding the TRID rule and fee tolerances
Answers for your clients' questions
by Sue Burt Oct 2
Want a good mortgage deal? Shop around, says Fannie Mae
Survey suggests buyers who are better informed about the homebuying process get the best deals, but results are still mixed depending on age, race and other factors
by Amy Tankersley Apr 13
Come August, there will be a new roadblock to closing a deal on a house
New integrated disclosure forms will throw a wrench in the homebuying works
by Bernice Ross Mar 30
CFPB director to real estate industry: Take August TILA-RESPA rule effective date seriously
Would you rather face RESPA-TILA disclosure rule, or zombie apocalypse?
Integrated mortgage disclosures coming in 2015
by Inman Oct 9