Need a little wind in your sails? Real’s Jimmy Burgess shares momentum-building strategies to help real estate agents move forward onstage at Inman Connect New York 2025.

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There’s a place near the equator called the doldrums where the Northern Hemisphere winds hit the Southern Hemisphere winds, and there is little to no wind. It’s a sailor’s nightmare because, with no wind, there is no momentum. No forward movement.

Similarly, in real estate, factors including commission settlements, regulatory changes, high interest rates and low inventory have some agents stuck in the water. 

“Your level of success is directly proportional to the amount of momentum you can build,” Real’s Jimmy Burgess preached from Inman Connect New York’s Agent Connect stage on Wednesday at the Hilton Midtown.

How to get out of the doldrums and create momentum

If you’re lacking wind in your sails, heed his advice. What follows are the tips Burgess outlined in a panel titled “Get Unstuck! How to Build True Momentum in 2025.”

1. Motor up 

Modern sailors have motors to help them get through rough patches. They don’t like to use them, but they will. Whatever you’ve been doing that’s working, or if there’s anything that can help you through these stagnant waters, motor up. If you’re not sure, move on to the next step.

2. Go back to the last place that you had wind

Backtrack to your last success. Ask yourself the following:

  • Where was the last place you had a win?
  • What activities were you doing?
  • Who were you spending time with?
  • Who were you talking to on a daily basis?
  • What were you doing marketing-wise?

Go back, and you’ll often find wind.

3. Set your sails to ride into the wind

“When the wind starts blowing, the last thing you want to do is keep your sails down,” Burgess said. “Y’all, the market is going to come back, and when it does, the key is not to pull the throttle back — but actually accelerate into all the opportunities we see.”

How can you set your sails? Below, Burgess outlines the activities that matter.

Maxwell’s ‘Rule of 5’

John Maxwell talks about how small, intentional actions can lead to big results. For example, if you hit a tree with an axe five times a day, every day, eventually, you’ll get through, and the tree will fall — if you’re committed and consistent.

What are the five activities you can do in real estate to make an impact?

5-4-3-2-1 daily framework

Burgess has a framework he uses to keep momentum going. Do the activities below daily.

3 momentum-building activities + bonus

1. Re-engagement text to your database

If you have people in your database you haven’t connected with in a while, here’s a re-engagement text to send to them. Fair warning: Don’t send this to 200 people at once. People will respond.

2. Deal of the week email to your database

You’re in real estate, so you should be talking real estate to your clients and prospects. One way to do that is with a deal-of-the-week email.

Always put “[Your area] deal of the week” in the subject line of the email, and don’t include the address or photos. Give them enough information to pique their interest, but ultimately, the goal is for them to reach out to you for more.

3. Unsolicited video CMAs

Burgess outlines this strategy in full in the article: “From zero to $11M: How I generated listings in record time.” This has been a fruitful strategy for Burgess.

Essentially, you shoot a video of you discussing the range of values that the homeowners’ house is worth. Then leave it with, “If you’re ever curious … [insert call to action].”

You’ll need to have the following tabs pulled up on your computer:

  1. Google Earth
  2. CMA
  3. Estimated net

This strategy has helped Burgess sell millions in real estate.

Bonus tip: Valentine’s Day reservations

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. If you want to create a memorable experience for your clients, call all the top local eateries and book reservations for Valentine’s Day. Then call your clients and offer them the reservation. Tell them the place and time and to just walk up and say that the reservation is under your name. They’ll surely remember you and the experience for a long time.

Email Dani Vanderboegh

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