ProperSign was rated 4 stars in 2020, largely on the merits of its user experience design and Dynamic KBA, or knowledge-based authentication for signer identification
by Craig C. Rowe May 3
Maybe it feels to some that such a light, easy product can't handle the financial and metaphorical weight of a closing, but JetClosing is an app that proves otherwise
by Craig C. Rowe Apr 9
Built by the one-time CTO of a title due diligence firm, ProperSign will help real estate take another step toward 100% digital deal-making
by Craig C. Rowe Dec 4
As real estate deals continue to be handled online and at arm's length, wire fraud risk has nowhere to go but up. ClosingLock is aiming to stop it
by Craig C. Rowe Nov 20
The result of a chinwag between First American and Boston Consulting Group's Digital Ventures, the app keeps every party in check with the closing process in a hybrid tech-team solution. It offers terrific promise for the future of e-closings
by Craig C. Rowe Jul 24