5 famous figures who turned breakdowns into breakthroughs
We're bombarded with negative vibes, flashy headlines and a competitive market, but don't let that get you down. Keep your eyes peeled for hidden chances that can turn things around
by Darryl Davis Jul 29
Clients have commitment issues? 10 tips for overcoming them
Whether they're not quite ready to put in an offer or they get a case of cold feet, dealing with commitment issues from clients can leave you feeling frustrated
by Darryl Davis Jul 26
Trust, referral, repeat: 7 tips to paint a clear picture of your market
Markets are always evolving and changing. Make sure you are accurately communicating conditions to your clients
by Darryl Davis Jun 28
10 creative euphemisms for a sluggish real estate market
Although euphemisms and analogies are not the magic solution to a sluggish market, they can help make a difference in how you approach the situation
by Darryl Davis Jun 27
Don't let these 9 hurdles halt your buyer deals
Keep your deals moving forward and your clients happy with these 9 practices for efficient transaction management
by Darryl Davis Jun 26
10 tips for coaching your team to better results in any market
Plug these strategies into your team plan, and your agents will trust you to deliver the guidance and resources they need to navigate any market change
by Darryl Davis Jun 21
You owe it to yourself to challenge buyer love letter misinformation
Question misconceptions and challenge the status quo to put this powerful buyer tool to work for your hopeful clients
by Darryl Davis Jun 5
Is it too late to create a personal real estate brand?
It’s better to start building your brand late rather than never; the key is to start as soon as possible
by Darryl Davis May 17
9 ways to get new clients without having to door knock
Door knocking can feel invasive, and some agents might even find it a little intimidating. Here are some great alternatives
by Darryl Davis May 16
7 time-sucking activities real estate agents can’t quit
Tackle these common time sucks head-on and implement effective strategies to streamline your day-to-day tasks and get more done
by Darryl Davis May 12
10 killer call-to-action strategies for real estate agents
A well-crafted CTA can make the difference between a lead and a sale, so put the time and effort into creating a powerful one that drives action and achieves your desired outcomes
by Darryl Davis May 11
8 tips for preparing your first real estate agent business plan
Preparing your first business plan takes time, effort and research. A well-prepared business plan will help you set a clear direction, stay focused and increase your chances of success
by Darryl Davis May 10
Overspending? Here’s how real estate agents can rein it in
Overspending is a challenge that almost every real estate agent has to face. However, with the right strategies in place, you can rein in your spending and significantly grow your profits
by Darryl Davis May 10
Let's stay together: Why buyer love letters deserve a second chance
It's time to question unfounded legal warnings and negative scenarios that don't make sense so that we can put this tool to use for buyers, the CEO of Darryl Davis Seminars writes
by Darryl Davis May 8
The surprising psychology behind client reviews
What drives clients to leave reviews and testimonials — and how can you encourage them to do so for your real estate business?
by Darryl Davis Apr 30