What is ableism? 2 'disabled' women sound off
Does your team have the tools in their tool box to assist consumers without being invasive or awkward? Preparation and education are key to building an inclusive and respectful business plan
by Rachael Hite Jul 25
NAR votes to end use of the term 'handicap' in Realtor Code of Ethics
The highest governing bodies of the National Association of Realtors have amended the Realtor Code of Ethics to replace references to 'handicap,' considered offensive by many, with 'disability'
by Andrea V. Brambila Nov 14
Are you missing a quarter of potential clients when marketing?
Who do you picture when you’re writing your property descriptions or choosing photographs? Make sure that you’re talking to all types of potential buyers, including those with disabilities
by Christy Murdock Oct 29
Everything real estate professionals need to know about the Fair Housing Act
Five decades after the landmark law was enacted, it still impacts all real estate professionals on a daily basis
by Amy Tankersley Jul 21
Agent/broker perspective: Real estate websites and ADA compliance
Are visually and hearing-impaired customers shut out of your web sites – and justified to sue?
by Anthony Askowitz Jun 14
20 tips to be a successful landlord in 2015
These tips will have you enjoying your tenants and have them enjoying you, too
by Jake Durtschi Aug 12
How to best accommodate 4 people in 50/50 partnership
by Benny Kass May 17
Consult occupational therapist, others for safety advice
Landlords must weigh convictions against tenant safety
by Robert Griswold Dec 21