Don't burn bridges! 7 tips for navigating a smooth exit
No matter the reason for parting ways with a brokerage, there’s a right way and a wrong way to make a change. Here’s how to leave on good terms, even when it's complicated
by Christy Murdock Nov 16
At a glance: 30 etiquette rules for business self-confidence
Here's a quick-hit list to help everyone be better behaved in the office, online and during the transaction process
by Christy Murdock Jun 20
30 real estate business etiquette rules Miss Manners never covered
With so many platforms and processes, you need to keep up with the rules — both old and new. Here you’ll find ways to put your best foot forward in-person and online
by Christy Murdock Apr 12
Do you ask guests to take off their shoes? What about at open houses?
On Thursday a column in The Wall Street Journal reignited an age-old debate: Shoes on or shoes off inside the home? As expected, the question drew heat from both sides of the shoe bin
by Lillian Dickerson Feb 11
How to be a good person online and win the internet
Digital etiquette isn’t all that different from real life etiquette: If you wouldn't do or say something IRL, don't do it online
by Jay Thompson Jan 29
Why I use Reddit (and you should, too)
How real estate agents can utilize the media
by Astrid Storey Oct 25
10 rules of conduct that will help agents raise the bar
Up the standards for your reputation, your business and your income
A Realtor public service announcement
Be professional and accessible -- always
by Leigh Brown Jul 16
Why you must learn to think globally
It's the only way to think in real estate
by Roh Habibi Jul 9