Join us throughout the day as we share what’s happening behind the scenes, on stage, and in the hallways at Inman Connect San Francisco.

Join us throughout the day as we share what’s happening behind the scenes, on stage, and in the hallways at Inman Connect San Francisco.

4:10 p.m.: ICSF attendees are starting to get sentimental about the conference’s move to Las Vegas next summer after over 20 years in San Francisco.

4:08 p.m.: Startup Alley is still busy on Day 3.

2:30 p.m.: And so is Marketing Connect!

2:15 p.m.: CEO Connect is getting underway.

1:30 p.m.: #OH at #ICSF.

1:09 p.m.: On Day 3, ICSF attendees are starting to explore San Francisco beyond the Hilton Union Square.

12:32 p.m.: Lunchtime PSA!


10.55am: Now discussing: What’s Trending?


10.51am: Brad Inman brings on 2 Swedish entrepreneurs onstage he just met in the hallway



10.36am: Now on stage, a Connect favorite, Katie Clancy:




10.14am: Now up, Rye Barcott from With Honor, chatting about tribalism



10.08am: via Billy Ekofo on Twitter: If you are in this room right now, this is the presentation worthy of everything.


10.03am: Doniece Sandoval from Lava Mae:







9.36am: via Julie Tambussi on Twitter: . of kicking off Day 3 of with so much joy! 🙌


9.29am: Shabnam Mograbhi ends an incredible opening session. Next up, Robert Reffkin from Compass.


9.25am: New Learning Lab idea: binging videos.


9.22am: via Bret Calltharp


9.18am: via Becky Boomsma on Twitter: Live in gratitude. Authenticity is required.


9.14am: via Brian Hopper on Twitter: What an honor for our brand to be up for the MOST INNOVATIVE REAL ESTATE TECHNOLOGY AWARD 🥇 by – It comes as no surprise to us by the team in this photo!


9.12am: via BHGRE on Twitter: “There are 500 million tweets posted to every 24 hours. A new video is uploaded to every .001 second. That is a 1,000 video a second. The average American is spending 42 minutes a day on .”


9.11am: via Kaveh Sartipi on Twitter:  Presenting the Nate Ellis Innovator Award with


9.05am: via eXp on Twitter: Way to go ! We just received the 2018 Inman Innovator Award Winner for Broker Owner!


9.01am: Many congratulations to all the Innovator Awards winners! See all the winners here.










8.50am: Innovator Awards are now being announced by Brad Inman and Veronica Figueroa


8.39am: via eXp on Twitter: ‘s is Networking with The Innovators this morning at !


8.26am: Good morning everyone! Matthew from Inman here, and I’ll be covering everything that’s happening behind the scenes and in the hallways at ICSF for you today! First off, don’t forget that if you’re an Inman subscriber, you can check out the live stream this morning for all the main stage sessions. And if you miss anything, you’ll be able to watch our video recaps published to over the next couple of weeks.


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