Watch Byron Lazine and Nicole White give a real estate agent’s perspective on industry-related topics. This week, they’ll discuss mortgage delinquencies, outdated seller beliefs and Blockbuster’s themed Airbnb.

Byron Lazine and Nicole White are two agents in Connecticut who give us their thoughts on the week’s news every Friday in “The Real Word,” a weekly video column on Inman.

A recent Bloomberg article reported that FHA mortgages now have the “highest delinquency rate in at least four decades.” As mortgage delinquencies climb, people are wondering if a rise in foreclosures will take place in 2021.

“Here’s the deal, even as these mortgage delinquencies — these late payments that we’re talking about— are climbing, the foreclosures are basically nonexistent,” Byron said. “Foreclosures, in fact, are way down.”

In the video, Nicole and Byron look at and analyze a map put together by Attom Data Solutions, which shows foreclosure starts by county. Additionally, they discuss their predictions for next year.

More this week: The two looked at a recent Inman article that highlighted eight seller beliefs that no longer hold true today. Like, the idea of open houses bringing in willing and able buyers, giving flooring allowance at closing, and more marketing bringing in more buyers. Should these beliefs really be tossed out of the window? Byron and Nicole weigh in.

Marketeer of the week

Blockbuster’s last standing store (on earth!) will be listed on Airbnb as a themed stay for just $4 a night. Bookings will start on Sept. 18 for an “end of summer sleepover.”

Want to nominate a “marketeer of the week”? Drop your thoughts in the comments section below, or shoot us an email.

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