Christine Quinn and a number of other stars are set to make an appearance on “Trixie Motel: Drag Me Home,” a new HGTV series that premieres on Max on June 1.

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Drag superstar Trixie Mattel is launching a new celebrity-studded home renovation series with HGTV that will feature some big names from real estate and pop culture at large.

The series, Trixie Motel: Drag Me Home, will follow Mattel and her partner, David Silver, as, one month into co-owning their Palm Springs motel together, the couple embark on the thrilling journey of buying and renovating a home together in Los Angeles.

A series trailer from Max, which will air the show beginning on June 1, reveals a host of celebrities set to make an appearance on the series — including none other than Christine Quinn, formerly of Selling Sunset and The Oppenheim Group.


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Quinn is the couple’s real estate agent and set on helping them find the home of their dreams.

“Trixie and David are the best clients ever because they always tell me I’m pretty and my hair looks good,” Quinn says in a trailer Max released on Thursday.

As the trailer goes on, viewers get a sneak peek into some of the homes Mattel and Silver consider in their home search, including the “storybook home” it appears the couple may have landed on.

In the trailer, Mattel also seemingly tries to enlist Property Brothers Jonathan and Drew Scott to help with the home renovation, but ultimately decides that their sexual orientation doesn’t really work within her parameters.

“I need someone gay,” Mattel tells Drew on the phone. “Could you call your brother?” after which Jonathan cuts into the call to say, “Yes, we know just the guy.”

Enter designer and HGTV star Dan Vickery who flies in on the scene to help Mattel channel Whitney Houston’s “I’m Every Woman” into the home’s design.

Other celebrities who pop up in the trailer include comedian Nicole Byer, drag stars Katya Zamolodchikova and Juno Birch, reality TV star Lisa Vanderpump, country musician Orville Peck and comedian Brittany Broski. The series will include four hour-long episodes, according to HGTV.

“We’ll sprinkle some Trixie Mattel magic and pinkify everything from top to bottom,” Mattel says in the trailer. “I can’t wait to see how this turns out.”

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