The worst real estate marketing you've ever seen: Pulse
Whether it was the photos, the property description, the website or the social media plan, what marketing element was a total turnoff?
by Inman Mar 6
A comprehensive guide to generating listings today
Here, Inman has created an extensive resource for ways to find inventory — from old-school methods to more creative approaches — when it seems like there's nothing left on the shelves
by Lillian Dickerson Mar 30
3 steps to avoid bad marketing advice in real estate
We have to be careful who we are listening to and who's advice is relevant
by Kevin Hoover Feb 5
This is what bad real estate marketing looks like
How to upset prospects and lose listings
by Dan Smith Nov 1
Real estate marketing 101: What (not) to do
Learn from these errors in judgment for better business
by Maria Dampman Sep 13