Bidding wars begin to cool as more home inventory comes online
Buyer fatigue and a growing home inventory may have contributed to a reduction in bidding wars in June, according to Redfin agents
by Daniel Houston Jul 13
Price cuts, while rare in this market, often lead to greater profit: Zillow
The number of sellers who choose to cut their listing price has dropped by a third over the last year, but a Zillow report found that if the price is dropped at the right time, sellers can net $15K over ask
How I won a 20-offer bidding war for my client
Broker Sarah Renard shared with Inman several steps agents can take to help their buyers bat against fierce competitors in an overheated housing market
by Libertina Brandt Jun 21
Summer market will be hot, but not scorching, economists say at Inman Connect
Daryl Fairweather of Redfin and Jeff Tucker of Zillow said during a panel that the market would continue to be strong through the end of 2021
by Lillian Dickerson Jun 16
How to take advantage of the backup offer on both sides of the transaction
Agents told Inman that they typically only see a small proportion of backup offers become primary offers, but the tactic can still prove beneficial for both seller and backup buyer
Want to rake in listings? FSBOs hold the key
With inventory starvation, agents need to explore all possibilities to gain more listings — and FSBOs are ripe for the picking. Here is a novel way to get in front of potential (and actual) FSBOs
by Jay Thompson Jun 2
51% of homes sold above listing price in May: Redfin
Continued inventory shortages and heightened buyer demand led to a red-hot May where nearly 60% of homes went under contract in 2 weeks
by Marian McPherson May 28
NAR: Housing market is 'topping out' due to inventory shortage
Lawrence Yun, chief economist for NAR, reports that the GDP is back to its pre-pandemic peak, consumers are ready to spend their stimulus checks and single-family housing starts are ramping up
by Andrea V. Brambila May 13
Pulse: Readers share how they're overcoming the bidding war objection
This week, our readers share how they're working with buyers to set expectations about bidding wars and multiple-offer situations — a common objection in today's fierce market
by Inman May 4
Pulse: How are you overcoming the bidding war objection?
In today's competitive real estate market, it's no wonder homebuyers are stressed out — particularly about going into bidding wars. So when it comes to this unpleasant reality, how are you alleviating buyers' anxieties?
by Inman Apr 28
Working with buyers? It's time to forget these 8 key things
Help your buyers score a home by teaching them to run against current practices. Here's a list of critical concepts you need to encourage your buyers to forget in their search for that increasingly evasive thing — homeownership
by Carl Medford Apr 27
The Inman Handbook on comps in these chaotic times
Agents' expertise has long relied on studying and understanding sales patterns in their markets. But with little inventory and soaring prices, patterns are hard to find
by Jim Dalrymple II Apr 26
How to navigate multiple offers: It comes down to money
From thoroughly vetting buyer finances to learning all about 'option money,' speakers at Connect Now shared how agents can help their sellers accept the best offer
by Lillian Dickerson Apr 20
64% of March home sales included bidding wars: Redfin
Redfin's latest market report reveals just how far buyers must go to secure a home. Single-family listings garnered the most bids followed by townhomes
by Marian McPherson Apr 14
My journey through inventory hell had a fairy tale ending
When my fiancée and I began house hunting as first-time homebuyers in December 2020, we were told the market was extremely competitive. Little did we know just how bad it was
by Rachel Mastandrea Apr 13