How new trends in automation are streamlining title transactions
Just like the rest of real estate, the title industry is embracing technology and its many benefits. When partnering with a title company, be sure to understand how it deploys technology in its systems — and how that tech can be used to help create the best service for you and your clients
by Tom Huddleston Mar 18
Why people matter most: One real estate pro recounts his story
My glass-half-full analysis of 2020 is that many real estate agents who might have been neglecting their sphere corrected that, reaching out to folks not just to try to earn a listing or commission, but to see how they were doing personally. Here's why that's important
by Bret Calltharp Mar 2
Stay above the fray: 3 ways to raise the bar in real estate
To help consumers, you must first be a good neighbor
by Rachael Hite Jan 13
Agent/broker perspective: Are virtual presentations here to stay?
With buyers and sellers concerned about the risks of in-person meetings, virtual presentations are now the norm. But what can brokers tell agents who aren't convinced virtual communication is here to stay?
by Anthony Askowitz Sep 15
Is it time to liberate real estate?
As the pandemic has made clear, companies who tailor toward the consumer succeed in both good and bad economic times. But buying and selling homes isn’t like other online shopping experiences. Why?
by Kris Lindahl Sep 3
Want to be a top producer? Steal these 6 moves from their playbook
Becoming a top producer comes down to proactively prospecting about 7 hours a week, constantly learning, being emotionally resilient and moving from great to memorable client experiences
by Bernice Ross Aug 26
'The teamwork is hard to detect': An outsider's take on teams
Although some agents sing the praises of being in a team environment, Teresa Boardman isn't impressed. Here's why she would rather work with an experienced solo agent versus a team
by Teresa Boardman Aug 13
Trends, strategies and apps that'll shape business in 2020
What are the most important trends to watch? How can agents make sure they thrive in this new normal? What are some noteworthy apps to consider? These distinguished female real estate leaders share their best tips
by Bernice Ross Jul 29
4 ways to enhance your customer service plan right now
Customer service is more than just completing tasks and getting to closing — it's about building a positive memory for someone finding their way to a new home
by Rachael Hite Jul 27
7 strategies for making peace with an angry client
What do you do in the face of a client meltdown? Find out how to develop a strategy for defusing disputes in a positive way
by Bernice Ross Jun 24
Why your customer service matters most now
In today's world, what is the best strategy for moving forward? The answer might be less about adopting new tech, and more about focusing on individualized service and a stellar client experience
by Teresa Boardman May 7
A downturn convinced Bobby Downey to leave the mortgage industry to become an agent
Charlotte-based loan officer-turned-real estate agent Bobby Downey shares how he keeps his clients top of mind by offering service worthy of Chick-fil-A
by Marian McPherson Feb 17