NAR votes to raise annual membership fee by $10
The trade group's special assessment for its 'That's Who We R' campaign will rise to $45 annually in 2023, in addition to NAR's membership dues, which the board voted Friday to keep at $150
Bob Goldberg, CEO of NAR
An overview of the promises kept, the pitfalls and how members perceive the top executive's first year in office
washington dc
NAR President Elizabeth Mendenhall opened the trade group's annual conference in D.C. with a bold invitation for dialogue and criticism
by Andrea V. Brambila May 16
Jim Harrison apologizes for op-ed on Inman
Mea culpa by MLSListings executive for challenging NAR leadership
by James Harrison May 12
Read HAR’s open letter on NAR dues showdown
True leadership means asking questions and not going along to get along
NAR adds service requirement to 'Realtor emeritus' status for dues waiver
Leadership service in local or state associations will fulfill qualification, but only through 2019
by Andrea V. Brambila Nov 12
Longtime Realtor ally Judy Biggert loses her seat in Congress
by Inman Nov 7
NAR midyear: $40 dues hike extended into 2013
by Inman May 21
$30 dues reduction comes as rivals eye merger
by Matt Carter Jun 30
Board of directors approves 'Realtor Political Party Survival Initiative'
by Matt Carter May 16
Proposed $40 fee hike would help fund political lobbying
by Tom Kelly May 4
Group says Supreme Court ruling upped ante for 'soft money' campaigns
by Matt Carter Mar 22