Top companies bet on Inman Connect Las Vegas
Why sponsors are more excited than ever to reach top performers at this summer’s event
by Lauren Walker Jun 19
Want to be a local expert? Try LiveBy’s unique brand of marketing
The local web content provider thrived behind the scenes with brokerage and software partnerships, but now it’s emerging to serve the greater agent market
by Craig C. Rowe Mar 5
Marketing site builder Parkbench offers coaching, coupons and content
Company offers sales coaching behind service that builds localized websites for agents to win referrals from neighborhood business owners
by Craig C. Rowe May 2
How Parkbench inspired real estate agents to do random acts of kindness
Colorado-based Realtor Katie Roberts won a $1,000 donation to the charity of her choice by passing out hand warmers to construction crews
by Marian McPherson Mar 1
Inman announces the first round of Startup Alley participants for ICSF17
Startup Alley launches the latest tech and tools in real estate
by Devon Broderick May 16
Inman announces the first round of Startup Alley participants for ICNY17
Startup Alley features the freshest ideas and innovations in real estate
by Devon Broderick Nov 21