Mary Maloney: 'Bigger real estate isn’t always better real estate'
An independent broker shares what sets her business apart
by Inman Sep 22
Andrew Dailey: 'People don't buy a home to get a mortgage; they get a mortgage to buy a home'
Chief technology officer of MortgageHippo talks paella and pain points
by Inman Sep 21
David Greenberg: 'It’s simply not possible to build an amazing company without amazing people'
Founder and CEO of Updater talks about scariest moments -- personally and professionally
by Inman Sep 18
Sunny Lake: 'I want to rule my phone, not the other way around'
Managing broker and fan of Google gives us a glimpse of her screens
by Inman Sep 17
Bret Calltharp: 'Social media should be you; you can't delegate your psyche'
Twitter power user and Facebook expert shares his strategy tips and best stories
by Inman Sep 16
Carmen Phu: 'If you have a bright idea, you share it ... we’ll find a way to do it'
A day in the life of a real estate office manager
by Inman Sep 15
Amanda Zuckerman: 'I'm all about change and risk'
MV Realty broker shares her indie vs. franchise view and discusses getting her brokerage off the ground
by Inman Sep 14
Stephen Schweickart on the risks and rewards of pioneering new ideas
Working in tech means you may lose some money here and there, but VScreen founder thinks it's worth it to lead the pack
by Inman Sep 9
Tere Shelton Bernace: 'We’ve developed a strong niche in our market and do not feel that a franchise name brings any significant value'
Independent broker believes building a relationship-driven company is key to success
by Inman Sep 3
John Guidos: 'I am motivated by the idea of working with a great team on an interesting and progressive project'
Steve Cook: 'Consumers are ticked that they are not realizing any benefit from technology in real estate'
Industry consultant believes key to real estate success is in better and more accurate databases
by Inman Sep 1
Jacky Teplitzky: 'We will work more like advisers rather than agents'
'My background sets me apart,' says the real estate top producer
by Inman Aug 31
Elizabeth Gilbert: 'I love seeing our team grow and how we can operate at a high level with so few people'
Manager believes attention to detail and organization are what keep a real estate company thriving
by Inman Aug 27
Russ Perna: 'I'd like to see the whole industry working together to make transactions smooth, easy and transparent'
Tech guru talks about how technology has changed the real estate industry and how he hopes to continue that trend
by Inman Aug 26
'I don't trust Zillow -- but I trust Greg Schwartz'
Schwartz is Zillow's go-to guy for real estate industry
by Brad Inman Aug 24