Stake secures $12M in Series A funding to incentivize renters
In what could be a reference to a trend of emerging companies extending immediate credit to consumers for rent or other expenses, Stake's Rowland Hobbs said renters need a 'rainy day fund'
by Craig C. Rowe Jun 30
What agents and clients should know about property taxes
Help your sphere understand the process
by Desiree Lapin Nov 11
What mortgage brokers need to know before getting bonded
Prepare before you take the next step
by Todd Bryant Jul 8
5 good reasons not to freak out over higher interest rates
Keep your cool throughout the homebuying process
by Steve Cook Jun 8
9 facts about the program for first-time homebuyers that gets no love
Mortgage Credit Certificates offer your clients expanded opportunities
by Adam Stephens Dec 10
Where home-flipping profits flow like wine
And the millennials flock like the salmon of Capistrano
by Daren Blomquist Nov 4
Why it's important to work with a licensed and bonded mortgage broker
It's safety and insurance for the buyer when it comes to loans
by Todd Bryant Oct 30
Single-family renters are your next batch of buyers
Learn how to find them and what their needs are
by Steve Cook Oct 14
How to help homebuyers relocate
Your clients’ financing might be affected by moving to a new area
by Ray Brousseau Sep 17
5 tips to win a multiple-offer bidding war
Tips that will come in handy for your buyer
by Tim Burrell Aug 14