Are you really prepared for that listing appointment? Jimmy Burgess shares the things you need to know before you knock on the door.

September means Back to Basics here at Inman. As real estate navigates the post-settlement era with new commission rules, real estate professionals from across the country will share what’s working for them, how they’ve evolved their systems and tools, and where they’re investing personally.

This post was updated Sept. 5, 2024.

Success leaves clues, and the best listing agents prepare by knowing seven things before every listing appointment they go on. These items provide insight and a sense of preparedness that leads to a higher close rate percentage from listing appointments.

If you’re looking to have complete confidence walking into your next listing appointment, this article is for you.

1. They know about the homeowner

Top listing agents do their homework on the homeowners they will be meeting with. If they already know the homeowner, a quick scan of their social media can provide them with information about recent life events, vacations, job changes, or new hobbies.

If this will be their first time meeting the homeowners, a Google search and investigating their social media are where agents find a lot of information about the prospects prior to the appointment. Information about a recent engagement (or divorce), a new job (or recently lost job), or a new baby (or a recent graduation) helps the agent prepare for the appointment.

By asking in the appointment about a recent vacation or celebration the prospect documented on social media, they develop rapport and connection with the homeowner faster than they might otherwise be able to.

Top agents also understand most homeowners will do a social check and Google search on them before the appointment as well. Based on this I would challenge you to look at your social media to make sure your posts authentically represent who you are.

Also, do a Google search on yourself. Make sure your Google Business Profile is active, accurate, and inviting for prospects.

If you’re wondering how to optimize your Google Business Profile, check out this article: Optimize your Google Business Profile to elevate your brand

2. They know the history of the house

Before the appointment, top listing agents research the history of the home. They know when the current owners purchased it. They’ve read the MLS descriptions of the home from previous sales to research who the original builder was, if any previous owners did renovations, and also if there are any highlighted features of the home they should know about prior to seeing the property.

The ability to share the historical sales information and builder details during the listing appointment exhibits professionalism to the seller that breeds confidence in you as the agent — and potentially earns their business.

3. They know the overall local market trends

Trends provide intel on not just where the market is today but where it is headed. Are days on the market increasing or decreasing? Are prices moving up or pulling back? Are there more or less homes for sale than there were two months ago? Understanding the trends is one thing, but communicating how these trends affect the homeowner and how they can use them to their benefit is where agents provide true value.

Always remember, stats tell, but stories sell. Be prepared to share with the seller how you plan to utilize the understanding of these overall market trends to position their home to sell quickly and for the highest price possible.

4. They know the comparable sales and active listings

The comparable home sales and similar homes currently for sale are the most important factors when it comes to the pricing, positioning, and marketing of the home. Top listing agents study the recent sales. They research the sales factors for the most recent sales of similar homes. They know if the homes their listing will be competing with have recently reduced their price or are offering buyer incentives.

The ability to not only present the numbers but also share a pricing strategy, based on facts, that the seller believes in makes all the difference.

5. They know their unique selling proposition

What is it that makes you different from every other agent? Top listing agents easily communicate what sets them apart and why sellers should list the home with them. Do you have a large database of buyers? Do you provide professional videos for each of your listings? Do you host amazing open houses or have a unique marketing plan?

The key again is to understand how your unique selling proposition benefits the homeowner. When you’re able to tell them how you’re different and how that difference benefits them, you will earn more listings.

6. They know how they will market the home

Top agents walk into listing appointments with a concise and clear marketing plan for the home. It’s one thing to tell a seller how you will market a home, but the next level is to show them. Top agents come prepared with a marketing plan for the home, along with examples of marketing from previous listings.

They show the prospective listings examples of videos, marketing pieces, and social media posts they’ve done for other listings. They show results from the open houses they’ve held. They come to the listing appointment fully prepared to share a marketing plan that provides the homeowner with a clear understanding of what they will do to get the home sold.

If you’re looking for a way to utilize A.I. to lock down a marketing plan that sellers will love, check out this article: The ‘Chick-Fil-A on Sunday’ ChatGPT Listing Presentation Blueprint

7. They know their worth and what they are not willing to do

Early in my career, I would walk into listing appointments wanting to take a listing so bad that I would agree to things I knew were not beneficial to the seller or my business. I would take listings with reduced commissions, even though I had no intention of doing so when I walked into the listing. I would agree to do advertising the seller wanted, which I knew wouldn’t work, but I wanted the listing so badly that I agreed to do so. Eventually, I learned the most valuable word a professional has: No.

Over time, I gained experience and an understanding of the value I bring to the seller. I developed a track record of getting results, and I understood that my listing plan, along with a proper pricing strategy, would result in the sale of the home. It wasn’t that I was rigid and unwilling to negotiate, I just knew what I was willing to do and what I was not willing to do even if it meant not getting the listing.

Top agents have a self-awareness that leads to more sellable listings. They let their yes be yes and their no be no. By doing so, they understand that if they lose a listing due to it not being in line with their personal business guidelines, then they are fine not getting it.

There is another level for listing appointment conversion and preparation is the answer. Your preparation not only leads to your own confidence but also in the confidence the seller has that you are the listing agent they need to get their home sold. Be prepared and watch your listing conversion rate soar.

Jimmy Burgess is the CEO for Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Beach Properties of Florida in Northwest Florida. Connect with him on Instagram and LinkedIn.

listing agent
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