As we move forward together, eXp's Kendall Bonner writes, demonstrating a higher level of knowledge and expertise is essential for conveying your worth to potential clients
May 3
To aid in your expanding marketing efforts, here are 5 simple types of videos you can easily make and creative ideas for pushing them out into the world
Mar 23
Despite all the negatives, last year did bring about rapid change that has benefited us in more ways than one. Here are the tech advancements, business practices and cultural shifts that should stay post-pandemic
Feb 23
Here are a few ways to make a significant impact on your client relationships
Nov 24
The most efficient tool to convey information tone and body language without being face to face is video
Oct 27
Video allows you to communicate and build 'know, like and trust' relationships unlike any other marketing tool
Sep 22
As an agent, one of the most important things you can do is understand and identify your target audience so you know exactly how to market to them. Here are five main groups every agent should be paying attention to
Sep 10