Seattle-based Redfin is taking its commission-based payment model nationwide on Oct. 27. Redfin Next enables agents to keep W-2 status and benefits while earning commission splits
On Wednesday CoStar asked the court to deny Move's amended preliminary injunction due to forensic data allegedly proving Move-owned files were never shared with the company
Consumers using Zillow's mobile application can now search homes with simple voice prompts based on commute, points of interest, affordability and school access, according to executives
Murdoch's Australia-based News Corp subsidiary announced on Monday that it was considering a cash and stock offer for the UK's largest real estate portal
The 8 Realtors are seeking class action status in their lawsuit against for allegedly selling unvetted and fraudulent buyer and seller leads
A week after being named CEO, Wacksman shared what it's like to take the baton from Zillow co-founder Rich Barton, the power of technology and the role portals play in a post-settlement world
Former PayPal executive Soumya Tulloss will lead Zillow's agent sales team, which includes flagship solutions Zillow Showcase and Zillow Premier Agent
2 days before the implementation of new cooperative compensation rules, Redfin CEO Glenn Kelman explained what the changes will mean for consumers and the industry at-large parent company Move Inc. saw its fiscal Q4 revenue decrease 2% yearly to $143M as traffic to the site stalls at 74M average monthly unique visitors
After 5 years back at the helm, Zillow Group co-founder Rich Barton steps down as CEO. Former COO Jeremy Wacksman takes the reins as the company charges past 'Portal 1.0'
Better-than-expected residential segment bolstered Seattle-based portal's Q2 performance, which saw growing revenues, slimming losses as it zeroes in on 'fully-integrated' homebuying