FairPlay lands $4.5M seed round to help lenders combat racial bias
APIs are designed to help lenders discover bias in algorithms and take a second look at rejected applicants
by Matt Carter Nov 15
Deep dive into mortgage data claims glaring racial disparities
Journalists at watchdog say credit scores and algorithms used by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac could be to blame
by Matt Carter Aug 26
Keep your eye on these top 10 purchase lenders this year
The lenders who took the most market share in purchase mortgages in 2020 are best prepared to dominate lending in 2021
by Kelsey Ramírez Apr 14
Top lenders
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data reveals a growth surge across mortgage lending, with one lender's volume increasing more than 340% from the year prior
by Kelsey Ramírez Apr 12
Study: Women pay higher mortgage rates than men in all but one state
Only 1 state in the US was found to offer lower interest rates to women than men, on average, for a 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage, according to mortgage tech company Own Up
Feds want looser data reporting regulations for smaller lenders
A proposed rule change would let smaller lenders avoid government data reporting requirements if they only make a few closed-end mortgages per year
by Jim Dalrymple II May 2
Closing in a mortgage wonderland
TRID errors cause delays
by Emily Hoffman Dec 29
Why the housing boom is good for minority homeownership
A new study posits that higher prices are better for minorities because lending standards tend to loosen
by Steve Cook Dec 14
Should the mortgage interest deduction cap be lowered?
National Low Income Housing Coalition's Robin Hood-esque proposal would lower cap for mortgages higher than $500,000 to subsidize federal programs for low-income borrowers
by Amy Tankersley Nov 18
Minority buyers still face uphill battle in getting mortgage credit
Zillow and HMDA reports highlight ongoing disparities in mortgage loan application acceptance rates among different racial groups
by Amy Tankersley Nov 6
Pro Teck Valuation Services: Credit availability is key to full housing market recovery
Pro Teck Valuation Services says high loan-to-value ratios are holding back metro areas hardest hit by housing crisis
by Amy Tankersley Sep 25
Minorities less likely to apply for mortgage, more likely to get turned down
Zillow, HUD will host town hall meeting, 'Building Equality in Housing'
by Inman Jan 15
Lending groups urge high court to reject Obama administration's discrimination test
Critics: Focusing on outcomes, rather than intent, flies in the face of sound underwriting practices
by Ken Harney Sep 10
Free site has latest unemployment, vacancy numbers
by Inman Dec 10
Fed analysis shows prime borrowers fueled growth
by Inman Oct 2