Your deal flopped! Are you guilty of these 7 sale-killing behaviors?
When one of your deals flops, look for what went wrong and what you can do to prevent it — and avoid making that same mistake in the future. Here are a few common deal-killing behaviors to watch out for
by Bernice Ross Mar 3
Don't fumble in the red zone! 5 tips for snagging a win
When the pressure's on, every move you make matters. Agents need to finish strong to ensure that the transaction gets all the way into the end zone
by Carl Medford Feb 15
Say no to FSBO! 7 risks homesellers take when they go it alone
In today's market, the stakes are high, decisions are swift, and there is immense pressure on everyone in the transaction — which is why sellers need a real estate agent by their side
by Cara Ameer Feb 2
10 rookie mistakes you can't afford to make
Everyone makes the occasional mistake, but rookies often make more than their fair share. Here are the biggest errors to watch out for and avoid
by Carl Medford Dec 30
9 stupid mistakes agents make — and how to avoid them
Don't barge in! (And other sage lessons agents should know)
by Bernice Ross Dec 23
Avoid these 6 end-of-the-year hiring mistakes
Be selective, take your time and if you make a mistake, don’t be too proud to fix it
by Erica Ramus Oct 15
Pulse: The biggest marketing mistakes our readers have seen
This week, our readers spill the beans on some of the worst branding mistakes they’ve ever seen throughout their careers. Here’s a list of noteworthy marketing snafus
by Inman Sep 15
Pulse: What are the biggest marketing mistakes you've seen?
This week, we want to hear about the worst marketing and branding blunders you've seen throughout your career. What was your takeaway from it? How could it have been avoided?
by Inman Sep 9
Keeping It Real: 10 tips for newbies to start off right
Jump in with both feet! Take every single opportunity that comes your way, and research, research, research
by Peter Lorimer Mar 12
7 reasons for-sale-by-owners fail
Less than 10 percent of for sale by owner sellers actually succeed, but what is it, actually, that prevents FSBO sellers from being able to close their property sale?
by Bill Gassett Jan 16
Avoid these 5 mistakes when building your real estate team
Develop a full training program for your agents, track key metrics and create a culture that forces accountability and creates value
by Dale Archdekin Sep 11
3 rules every agent should follow
Add these to the top of your rulebook for success in your personal and professional life
by Kenneth N. Brown Apr 22
Are you making these 3 career-ruining mistakes?
Here's how to avoid these all-too-common blunders that can deplete your resources and end your career
by Lynn Wheeler Apr 2
What are the biggest mistakes first-time homebuyers make?
Our latest poll delves into what new buyers do that they really (really) shouldn't
by Marian McPherson Oct 18
5 rookie mistakes made by first-time homebuyers
Homeshoppers should buy with their heads, not their hearts
by Erika Dalager Aug 31