N-Play Facebook IDX app doubles its reach to 110 MLSs
Triad MLS and Intermountain MLS among new clients
by Andrea V. Brambila Jan 30
N-Play says 1 million agents are on Facebook, and 1 in 4 use its directory
8 of 10 biggest MLSs allow listings to be distributed through social media channels
by Teke Wiggin Dec 30
Dream Sweeps, N-Play's Facebook contest app, helps agents boost social media following
Service hosts monthly contests with prizes ranging from $500 to $1,000
by Teke Wiggin Nov 1
Back at You offers 'full-service Facebook solution'
CEO: 'We're about closing those marketing loops'
by Teke Wiggin Jun 26
N-Play launches advertising service baked into Facebook
N-Play: READ ADvantage is first platform to live entirely on Facebook
by Teke Wiggin Jun 6
N-Play moves to Windows Azure cloud platform
Real estate app builder cites platform's flexibility, reliability, and scalability
by Inman Apr 30
56 MLSs now offering N-Play Facebook IDX listings app
by Inman Jan 24
Agents can choose up to 6 listings per campaign, company says
by Inman Nov 12
NAR to revisit policy on display of listing on social media sites
by Inman Nov 7
Company says app repositions listing search around agent
by Inman Sep 26
Consumers can search for agents by location and expertise
by Inman Oct 12
N-Play plans to be active in 10 markets this year
by Inman May 7
Real estate tech brief
by Inman Jan 26
System ranks submissions based on seller preferences
by Inman Jul 14