Special report: Which digital marketing tactics provide bang for your buck -- and which are just a bust
How agents and brokers are using digital marketing in their businesses -- what works and what doesn't
by Kimberly Manning Sep 16
Top quotes from 'Special report: Why and how real estate needs to clean house'
Best snippets from industry respondents about where real estate is failing and thriving
by Inman Sep 13
Special report: Why real estate agents don't compete on commission rates
We dig into the 'why' behind the commission rate question
by Inman Jun 28
What's driving the shift toward independent brokerages?
An Inman special report examines a rising tide
by Paul Hagey Jun 21
Sound off on challenges and opportunities in the real estate industry
Take our survey for chance to be entered in drawing for $100 Amazon gift card
by Andrea V. Brambila Jun 19
Real Estate CRMs: Pros and cons and which is best?
Inman special report highlights how real estate CRMs stack up
by Inman May 29
Peek inside Inman's syndication special report
by Paul Hagey May 17
Are CRMs worth the investment?
Share your thoughts on this vital business tool for an Inman special report
by Inman May 13
What's the payoff for real estate coaching?
An excerpt from an in-depth Inman special report
by Teke Wiggin May 3
What real estate brokers and agents want from lenders [Special Report]
Winning referrals in a changing market
by Inman Apr 22
Special report: Prices still falling in most top markets
by Inman Jun 8
Special report: 'Best of Real Estate Connect'
Tips for using mobile, social media, blogging to connect with consumers
by Inman Aug 12
Report features most popular and highest-ranked mobile tools
by Inman Jul 7
7 California markets make the list
by Inman Jun 6
Inman News Special Report due out this week
by Inman Jun 1